Sunday, March 19, 2017

5 Reasons You Should Become a Nurse

By Gabriel Émile Édouard Nicolet (Swiss, 1856-1921)
Good Samaritan
( via Wikimedia Commons)

Have you ever thought about becoming a nurse? There are many reasons that are completely unknown to some of us and that can persuade a person with a good nursing profile to choose this field of study. Why should you become a nurse? Here are 5 great reasons that will convince you that nursing is a fantastic choice of career.

1. Working in different environments

One of the perks of being a nurse is that you can work in all kinds of places. As known, nurses often work in hospitals or private clinics, but there are other establishments that hire nurses, for example, schools and government institutions. Furthermore, a nurse can change his or her specialty as many times as they want throughout his or her career. To illustrate, a nurse can choose to go in the trauma department, the pediatric department, the cardiology department and many other specialties that make the job remarkably interesting. (

2. Making a difference

The main part of the nursing job is to treat patients with the best health care. Nurses can actually have the skills and knowledge to save a life at this point which is very satisfying and rewarding. This job isn't just a job because you have the power to make a difference in someone's life just by practicing your profession. In addition, when you practice nursing you get the opportunity to work with excellent doctors that can show and transmit some of their knowledge which is particularly gratifying and can make an enormous difference to your career. (

3. Having a flexible schedule

A great benefit to practicing nursing is that you get to choose your schedule. There are countless shifts all around the clock that you can choose to work or not. As a matter of fact, when you are a nurse you can continue to study or even accommodate your schedule for other important reasons because you choose your work hours. There are many workers that complain about the standard hours of work in the day, for example, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day, which becomes a boring routine but happily becoming a nurse guarantees the opposite. (

4. Using your skills around the world

Nursing is a demanded profession because they are needed all around the world. Once you have learn and graduated, your skills and knowledge are valued everywhere you go. Practicing nursing is extremely pleasing because it is universal, therefore, a nurse who wishes to travel the world while practicing the job can, indeed, pursue that dream.  (

5. Keeping a good physical health 

An advantage to this profession is that you can keep a great physical health because it isn't a desk job as many others and it is required that you move a lot. You are then never bored at work. As a nurse, you are also often confronted to extremely challenging situations, for example, when there is a severe trauma or crisis. Moreover, these situations can produce adrenaline through the body and make you lose weight throughout the stress and sweating. (


Finally, these 5 reasons explain briefly why I wish to become a nurse and, maybe, why you wish to become a nurse now. The benefits of the nursing career are very interesting and I hope you approve my brief explanations. I invite my readers to comment my post and give me some feedback below if you wish. Thank you for your time.


  1. Very interesting listicle! It almost made me want to study nursing.

  2. Your listicle is really intersting! The idea of presenting 5 reasons to study in your field is really more interesting than websites!! :)

  3. I liked your article because it is well-written and informative. Emile Lejeune has a strong opinion about what is and isn't interesting. Surely, anything can be interesting when it is well-researched and well-written.
